There is a blood drive going on right now in the Pappajohn Business Building on the University of Iowa’s campus.  I have class in a few minutes so I can’t make it, but you should if you can.

I was able to stop by their sign up table and get more information so I can donate in the future.  They have a number of drives scheduled for the coming weeks.  Here’s the information they gave me:

DeGowin Blood Center


C250 GH University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

Hours of Operation:

  • Mon — 7am to 3:30pm
  • Tues, Wed, Thurs — 11am to 7:30pm
  • Fri — 9am to 5:30pm

If anyone is interested in going to donate with me please let me know.

Finally, here’s a list of what I consider to be the top ten reasons you should donate blood:

  1. To get free cookies.
  2. To get free juice.
  3. To appease our vampire overlords.
  4. To watch someone pass out.
  5. To find out what your blood type is.
  6. To get out of work.
  7. To get a cool looking bandaid.
  8. To get an “I Donated” sticker.
  9. To help people.
  10. To get free cookies.